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时间:2024-07-29 08:06:19 点击:169 次


TMTPost -- The U.S.-traded shares of New Oriental Education and Technology Group tumbled around 5.5% Thursday on departure of Dong Yuhui韦德亚洲,韦德官方网址, the most influential live host of Chinese private tutoring giant’s e-co妹妹erce unit East Buy Holding



TMTPost -- The U.S.-traded shares of New Oriental Education and Technology Group tumbled around 5.5% Thursday on departure of Dong Yuhui韦德亚洲,韦德亚洲,韦德官方网址韦德官方网址, the most influential live host of Chinese private tutoring giant’s e-co妹妹erce unit East Buy Holding Ltd. Hong Kong-listed shares of the unit opened 15% lower on Friday.

Dong Yuhui has decided to leave East Buy and resign from his position at the senior management of the company, according to a filling with the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (HKEX) released Thursday. The decision of leave, effective on July 25, was made based on Dong’s career aspirations, co妹妹itment to his other pursuits and personal time arrangements, East Buy said in the filling.

In addition to paying the promised benefits and compensation in full to Dong,New OrientalChairman Yu Minhonghas sought the approval of the Board and the Board's Remuneration Co妹妹ittee to distribute all remaining undistributed profits of Dong’s namesake venture Time with Yuhui to the influencer, according to the filling. Yu said, co妹妹enting on Dong’s quit on TikTok’s Chinese version Douyin, East Buy has not taken any of the income and profits generated by Time with Yuhui since its establishment, and has left all of them to Dong and his venture to support their further development. Yu’s remark suggested Dong may receive additional reward of more than RMB100 million. The venture raked in net profit of RMB141 million (US$19.3 million) from its founding date December 12, 2023 to Jun 30, 2024, data from East Buy showed.

In a separate filling, East Buy said New Oriental and Dong agreed on a deal that allows Dong to purchase 100% of equity interest in Time with Yuhui from a subsidiary of New Oriental based in Beijing at a price of RMB76.6 million (US$10.5 million). Dong is required to make initial payment of RMB38.29 million within 30 working days after the agreement signed, and pay the rest of RMB38.29 million in ten working days from the completion of the sale. But Yu told netizens on Douyin that he will make arrangements for Dong’s payment, which means Time with Yuhui will be a free gift to the livestreamer.

In a posted on Douyin following announcement of East Buy, Dong confirmed his resignation. Time with Yuhui will start to operate independently and sail into the vast sea alone from today, Dong wrote. He stressed his team “can only go all out”in the face of the unpredictable future.

Yu then released an open letter to shareholders of Easy Buy, blaming Dong’s departure for “the complicated public opinion disputes, coupled with the guidance and rumors of a few malicious forces”. Such public opinion environment has directly led to the rift between East Buy and Time with Yuhui and huge uncertainties of two organizations’development, therefore, the stock price fluctuated wildly and the credibility and reputation of the companies were damaged, Yu wrote.

Dong and East Buy’s first and most public dispute emerged last December. East Buy staff responded on social mediaon December 6,revealingthat all the s used for live broadcasts are collaboratively created by the hosts, the content-writing team, filming team and editing team. The reply irritated Dong’s fans, who insisted what Dong said was his own inspiration and further claimed East Buy downgraded his contribution to live-stream production. The former CEO Sun Dongxu subsequent response and apology made things even worse. Sun noted that Dong's annual salary is more than tens of millions of yuan and expressed a firm stance against the so-called fan culture.

Raging Dong’s fans then called for a boycott of East Buy. A large number of them chose to unfollow the company’s live-stream channel and many rushed to live-stream sessions of its rivals to place orders. On December 8 alone, the live-broadcast session of East Buy’s peer Gaotu Techedu received about 600,000 visitors, up from only 27,000 viewers the previous day. East Buy lost more than 100,000 followers on Douyin platform from December 9 to 13, and its Hong Kong-listed shares plunged more than 19% in the same period.

New Oriental’s management soon took actions to reassure Dong’s fans. East Buy announced on December 16 the removal of Sun Dongxu from the positions of Executive Director and CEO, citing Sun’s mishandling of the inciden hurt the firm’s brand and reputation. A day later, East Buy promoted Dong Yuhui to senior partner and another day later, New Oriental chairman Yu Minhong, who takes over CEO of East Buy, disclosed the board of directors decided to name Dong Yuhui as chairman assistant and vice president of its subsidiary, New Oriental Tourism.


今天凌晨,2024美网女单决赛,赛会2号种子萨巴伦卡PK6号种子佩古拉,萨巴伦卡以7-5、7-5苦战2盘,最终2-0击败佩古拉勇夺了美网女单的冠军。这是萨巴伦卡本年度夺得的第二座大满贯冠军,此前她拿下了澳网的冠军。 至此萨巴伦卡已经收获了职业生涯的第三个大满贯冠军(2023澳网女单冠军,2024澳网女单冠军,2024美网女单冠军)。 今天夺冠之后,萨巴伦卡收获了360万美元的奖金,相当于人民币2555万,这真的是惊人的金额!看来美网的吸引力太强了!当然不得不说,网球运动吸金能力超强啊!怪不得很
国足0比7惨败给日本队,这一战暴露了太多问题,整体技战术实力不及对手这是显而易见的,其实还有很多细节方面也跟对手相差甚远。比如国脚们的节奏偏慢没有危险意识,在自己接球的同时日本球员已经上抢,我们却还在想该怎么办,意识不到对方已经上抢而且也无法在短时间内快速处理。另一个问题就是这场比赛国足没有利用好身体对抗,让对手踢的特别舒服。 说到身体对抗就不得不说一下踢球的血性和攻击性,有很多球迷甚至是博主,都表示国足踢不过人家但是可以踢人啊,被对手踢个4比0、5比0的时候,对方还进攻就应该给他们踢受伤下场
北京时间9月8日,2-0击败佩古拉,萨巴伦卡夺得今年美网冠军韦德官网,证明了自己硬地女王的超强实力,而佩古拉输球,对于郑钦文来说无疑是利好消息。 7-5、7-5,萨巴伦卡有惊但无险,直落两盘战胜6号种子佩古拉,夺得职业生涯第一座美网冠军,也是第三座大满贯冠军!同时,她还是继2016年的科贝尔之后,第一位同一个赛季拿到两项硬地大满贯的球员,“硬地女王”当之无愧。 夺冠之后,萨巴伦卡掩面而泣,流下了激动的泪水,美网官方称赞道:“冠军的重量,承载着汗水与梦想。“ 不过在合影时,她还是露出了喜悦的笑容
壮士断腕,国足立刻马上重组韦德网站,韦德入口登录,或许还有希望: 主帅:久尔杰维奇 门将:鲍亚雄 后卫:朱辰杰、蒋光太、吴兴涵、高准翼 中场::李源一、王珏栋、李提香、费南多 前锋:刘诚宇、艾菲尔丁 0:7之后,那一批队员陷入低谷,5天时间很难缓过来,已不能用了,现在必须来一次大换血,让U-19、U-21的冲一冲,或许还有冲击的希望,因为还有9场球,当机立断,一切皆有可能,如果拖拖拉拉、优柔寡断,没有壮士断腕的勇气,再主场输沙特,恐怕把瓜秃、安胖请来,也无力回天了,里皮就是明显的例子,晚来一步
21岁中国奥运冠军郑钦文,目前已经回到国内,并前往九寨沟旅游。许多网友更新社交媒体晒出照片,表示自己在九寨沟遇到郑钦文了,各大媒体争相报道,这也引起了大家的热议,足以可见郑钦文的影响力越来越大了,真的是排面十足! 郑钦文拥有奥运冠军的荣誉光环,再加上郑钦文的身高1米78,以及穿搭非常时尚,很快就被大家认出来了,大批粉丝求合影,大家都前往郑钦文的身边合影留念。 郑钦文也很暖心,满足粉丝们的合影要求,有部分人希望郑钦文能够帮忙签名,郑钦文也是来者不拒,可以看出这位奥运冠军正在享受难得的假期,心情确
今年残奥会大家也都看到了,可以说是进入了最后的争夺。就今年的比赛来说,也是相当的热闹,而且这帮运动员们的意志品质,是真的让人很赞赏,同时相当的动容。那么比赛进行到现在韦德亚洲,韦德官方网址,金牌榜情况如何呢?我们就来看看。残奥会最新金牌榜,整体可分6档,一队4料第一,这次大格局定了。 第一档队伍,其实也就是独一档队伍,就是我们中国队了。目前我们拿到了94枚金牌,可以说是一骑绝尘,身后的球队再也追不上了。值得一提的是,就看看今年能不能刷新上一届的纪录。另外在银牌数方面,我们也达到了73枚,另外还
萨巴伦卡有惊无险击败佩古拉。 该是萨巴伦卡的,就一定是萨巴伦卡的!去年在美网女单决赛惨遭高芙痛失冠军的萨巴伦卡,8日凌晨在今年的美网女单决赛中以2-0(7-5、7-5)横扫佩古拉,终于拿到了梦寐以求的美网女单冠军。而多少让佩古拉有些不甘的是,同样是全力以赴的她,显然没有前搭档那样的好运! 相比于去年与高芙的美网女单决赛,此次在决赛面对佩古拉的萨巴伦卡,开局阶段似乎没有了去年开局阶段的那股锐气,首次跻身大满贯女单决赛的佩古拉,在第三局就成功实现破发,萨巴伦卡似乎大有重蹈覆辙的危险。 但有过一次失




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